Kate Bolster

Kate Bolster is a writer, journalist and foreign correspondent with almost a decade of experience.
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Kate Bolster brings nearly a decade of expertise as a seasoned writer, journalist, and overseas correspondent to her career. Her professional path has taken her to Korea to serve as a reporter, and she has also occupied roles as a corporate journalist in Sydney, Saudi Arabia, and Dubai.

She is an experienced freelance writer and has been published both in print and online. Kate has written for lifestyle and travel publications, food and travel blogs, and for DIY and home improvement websites.

Latest from Kate Bolster
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BACKGROUND Kate Bolster is a writer, journalist and foreign correspondent with almost a decade of experience as a writer and journalist, Kate Bolster has worked as a correspondent in Korea and corporate hack in Sydney, Saudi Arabia, and Dubai. She is an experienced freelance writer and has been published both in print and online. Kate […]

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