Kate Bolster

Kate Bolster is a writer, journalist and foreign correspondent with almost a decade of experience.
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Kate Bolster brings nearly a decade of expertise as a seasoned writer, journalist, and overseas correspondent to her career. Her professional path has taken her to Korea to serve as a reporter, and she has also occupied roles as a corporate journalist in Sydney, Saudi Arabia, and Dubai.

She is an experienced freelance writer and has been published both in print and online. Kate has written for lifestyle and travel publications, food and travel blogs, and for DIY and home improvement websites.

Latest from Kate Bolster
Home with mold on wall may not be safe

It’s a homeowner’s worst nightmare: one day you walk into your kitchen, living room, bathroom, or basement, only to discover large, unsightly patches of mold growing on your walls. Wall mold is very common and can grow very quickly. If you have mold growing on your walls it must be removed as it can be […]

Should I get a mold testing company in before beginning remediation

Professional mold removal or remediation is a highly specialized task, and often involves the use of dedicated equipment, chemicals, and testing methods. Before you engage mold removal professionals there are a few things you should be aware of. The average costs of mold removal, the process of mold testing, and the different types of mold […]

Do you need commercial mold remediation

Given that mold growth is dangerous to your health, anyone who has encountered mold or mildew in their office or warehouse, will need to consider commercial mold removal services. Commercial mold remediation involves the “removal, cleaning, sanitizing… or other treatment” of mold or moldy items. Commercial mold remediation is when this clean up is done […]

step guide getting rid of mold yourself

Our relationship with mold is a complex one. On one hand, mold has given us penicillin and it plays a vital role in the ecosystem. On the other, it is often an intruder in our homes, triggering runny noses, coughing, rashes, headaches, and even causing asthmatic symptoms in some people. If you do find mold […]

Mold Inspection and Testing

Mold inspection is a visual examination of your property to determine the existence and extent of any mold growth. It will also identify the source of moisture that is causing mold to grow in the first place. Mold testing involves either taking a swab of the mold spores themselves to determine the type of mold […]

Can you live in a house during mold remediation

Having your home remediated for mold growth can present issues for your health depending on the amount of mold being remediated and where. If the area you are having remediated for mold is fairly small and contained, you will be able to stay in your home during mold remediation. If it is larger, and in […]

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