Kate Bolster

Kate Bolster is a writer, journalist and foreign correspondent with almost a decade of experience.
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Kate Bolster brings nearly a decade of expertise as a seasoned writer, journalist, and overseas correspondent to her career. Her professional path has taken her to Korea to serve as a reporter, and she has also occupied roles as a corporate journalist in Sydney, Saudi Arabia, and Dubai.

She is an experienced freelance writer and has been published both in print and online. Kate has written for lifestyle and travel publications, food and travel blogs, and for DIY and home improvement websites.

Latest from Kate Bolster
Can you do mold remediation yourself (1)

As a homeowner, dealing with mold growth in your property is one of those unpleasant tasks that you hope never to have to do. So what do you need to do if you encounter mold in your home? Can you remove it yourself or do you need the assistance of a professional remediator? If the […]

Mysterious looking patches on walls, floors, and ceilings

Identifying mold early in your home is key to getting on top of the problem early before it gets into hard-to-reach places and takes a foothold. There can be several signs to indicate that mold might be growing in your home, they include: Damp areas Musty smells Constant allergy-like symptoms Black spots on surfaces Flaking […]

mold inspection

Mold testing and inspections are not necessarily just for homes that display obvious signs of mold growth. If you are intending to buy or sell a property, or if you suspect you may have some hidden mold growing in your home, then mold inspection and testing may be very appropriate for you. If you have […]

Should I worry about mold?

How dangerous is mold really, and when should you be worried about your exposure to mold? There are no hard and fast rules about what levels of mold might be considered dangerous to your health. Depending upon what type of mold you are dealing with, anywhere between 3,000 and 4,000 spores per cubic meter of […]


When it comes to mold in your home, one room in particular can be the culprit for constant, recurring mold growths: the basement. Basements are often dark and damp and frequently have poor air ventilation, meaning they are the ideal breeding ground for mold growths. Basement mold is just as dangerous to your health as […]

Can a house with mold be sold?

For home buyers and home sellers alike, the idea of mold in the house is a particularly worrying one. Buyers are concerned that their dream home could be riddled with damaging, invasive mold, and sellers dread their property selling below market value thanks to a mold problem. So what happens if a house on the […]

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