Black mold, a type of fungus, can negatively impact one’s health when its spores are breathed in over a sustained period.
It is possible to stay in a house with isolated patches black mold provided you seek it’s removal asap. According to the Centre for Disease Control (CDC), black mold is known to cause major health challenges especially for people with previous respiratory conditions such as asthma.
Health issues like wheezing and fungal infections may also develop within perfectly healthy people if the black mold exposure is in large amounts and for long periods of time.
What happens if you live in a house with black mold?
This will depend on the amount of exposure and over what period of time. If black mold is not remediated when found, you can develop respiratory issues.
Black mold spores also act as irritants and allergens. This means that they can be able to cause allergic reactions depending on the individual’s level of tolerance and sensitivity.People with weakened immunities like cancer patients may also suffer adversely when exposed to such spores.
A musty smell is one of the results of having black mold in your home. It is this kind of smell coupled with the black mold spores that are usually responsible for respiratory challenges such as coughing, wheezing and difficulty in breathing.
How long can I stay in a house with black mold?
How long one can stay in a house with black mold is mostly dependent on his or her sensitivity levels. There are however other factors such as the degree of mold exposure that also influence the duration of time one can stay in such an environment.
The short answer is as little time as possible. The longer your exposure to black mold, the greater the changes of it having an adverse health effect.
The degree of mold exposure also determines how long one can stay in a black-mold infested house. Mild exposure is normally a situation where a rather healthy person is exposed to little amounts of black mold.
Severe exposure on the other hand is used to describe a situation where huge quantities of black mold are exposed to an immune-compromised person. One can therefore last longer under mild exposure than they can under its severe counterpart.
How dangerous is black mold?
Although black mold is known to lead to various health symptoms and infections, it has not yet been proven to cause death. This however does not negate the fact that it should be immediately dealt with upon discovery.
This is because it still poses a certain degree of risk as a result of the toxins it produces during the process of growth. It is these toxins otherwise known as mycotoxins that are normally responsible for black mold-based food poisoning.
Serious symptoms such as nausea, chronic coughing and even nose bleeding can however occur when it is inhaled or ingested in large quantities over a long period of time.
Is black mold in your house a problem?
Yes, it is. Black mold exposure can cause both short-term and long-term damage to both people as well as the house itself. It can especially affect those with underlying respiratory conditions such as asthma.
It can also eat up the organic elements used in the construction of the house such as wood and drywall thereby causing untold structural damage. Engaging mold remediation experts is therefore usually recommended in cases where large amounts of mold are present.
Home Garden Guides is a great tool that quickly matches you with the best mold testing and remediation specialists in your locality. You can get three estimates from local mold testing and remediation professionals in a matter of two minutes. Kindly follow the steps below to enjoy this great service:
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- Your mold testing and remediation details are forwarded to three local experts who will send you a price estimate for your job with some friendly advice.
Can I stay in a house with black mold in the basement?
Yes, you can. It however still poses a great health risk particularly because the basement often provides the prime conditions for the growth of black mold. These conditions include minimal ventilation and a high concentration of moisture.
It is, therefore, advisable for one to get rid of the black mold in the basement lest it spreads into the other areas of the house thus resulting in serious health dangers.
Can I stay in a house with black mold in the garage?
Yes, you can. Black mold in the garage poses a lesser health risk when compared to other areas of the house. This is because the garage is usually less frequented by people than other sections of the house.
It is however still advisable for one to eradicate the black mold in his garage before it spreads into the rest of the house.
How to get rid of black mold?
There is a wide variety of greenhouse methods which can be utilised to get rid of black mold in your home. They include:
Use of Hydrogen Peroxide – The antifungal nature of hydrogen peroxide means that it can be utilised on various surfaces such as kitchen counters, bathroom fittings and walls when looking to get rid of household mold infestation.
It can however cause discoloration of surfaces hence the reason it should be tested on a hidden surface prior to application.
Use of Vinegar – Undiluted vinegar is an extremely effective mold disinfectant. It is scientifically known to kill almost all types of mold including black mold. Although it does not cause discoloration of surfaces, it can at times leave behind an irritating odour.
Use of Baking Soda – Baking soda can not only safely eradicate mold but also absorb the moisture which is known to fuel the mold growth. It should be mixed with water and complemented with scrubbing in order to maximise its effect.
Use ofCitric Acid – Natural citric acid is usually found in lemons and oranges. Lemons however have a higher concentration which makes them more effective for mold removal. Lemon juice applied directly on mold infested areas is known to easily clear out the mold therein.
Do you have to throw everything away if you have black mold?
No, you do not. There are however a few things you may need to get rid of once they come into contact with black mold. These include materials made out of paper as well as food and the equipment used for its preparation.
Food preparation appliances should be thrown so as not to risk recurrent mold infestation as a result of improper cleaning which may put your family at risk.
Is it safe to clean black mold by yourself?
Yes, it is. Small quantities of black mold can easily be eradicated by personally applying a bleach and water solution. This solution should be complemented by scrubbing in order to increase its efficiency. Drying of the said area should immediately follow.
Do-it-yourself removal may however prove ineffective when dealing with large amounts of black mold. It may even lead to greater mold infestation as a result of lack of proper containment during removal.
It is also very possible to miss the hidden areas in which mold is growing by using do-it-yourself mold removal techniques. It is these areas that may eventually cause recurrent mold growth around your home thus making your previous efforts null and void.
Using the wrong mold removal equipment is also synonymous with do-it-yourself mold removal methods. This may eventually lead to putting yourself and your loved ones at a greater risk of severe mold exposure.
Engaging mold remediation specialists is therefore highly recommended when dealing with large quantities of mold.
What are the symptoms of black mold exposure?
Black mold is generally known to bring about flu-like symptoms which include a running nose, eye irritation, frequent sneezing and chronic coughing. These symptoms can however become more severe and even bring about nausea, fever and shortness of breath.