Frequently, it becomes evident that raising the height of our fences is necessary. Doing so can improve privacy and security simultaneously.

You can easily add the height of your fence depending on the type of fence you have installed. You can add height to all fence types, including wood, vinyl, and metal fences.

You can add height to a fence to enhance privacy and comfort, and security. When adding height to your fence, consider hiring a pro to do it for you. They will know the best materials and techniques to add the height cost-effectively.

Add A Lattice Fence Topper

Adding a lattice is an easy project that you can DIY over a weekend or hire a professional fence installer.

First, choose a lattice design that you like. When choosing a lattice design, choose a design that is similar to the fence. This makes the fence topper look like an extension of the fence. Measure the length of your fence so that you buy the right length of your lattice fence topper.

If you will DIY, measure the distance between the posts on your fence as this is where you will be fixing your lattice to increase the height of your fence. Cut your lattice sheets in a length that is suitable for them to fit between the posts on the fence. Then, fasten the lattices to the fence posts.

Do this over the length of the fence and you will have easily added the height of your fence.

Lattice Fence Topper

Add Living Fences

This is best done when you are installing your fence the first time. A living fence is a fence made from plants, flowers, and hedges. Some plants and flowers grow to heights higher than your fence. Plant these along your fence and they will grow higher than your fence in a short time.

Living fences that are higher than your fence effectively add height to your fence. They help to enhance privacy and security in your yard. A row of trees right next to your fence is another option to add height to your fence.

Living Fences

Add A Trellis

Trellis is among the most popular solutions for adding height to a fence. A trellis is as long as your fence and maybe 1 or 2 feet in height. When you buy trellis, make sure that they have strong and sturdy frames. You don’t want to add a weak fence addition to a strong fence.

Adding height to your fence by the use of trellis allows light to continue getting into your yard. Long fences prevent light from coming into your yard. Leaving you enclosed in a dark and cold yard.


Add A Panel

You can also add height to your fence by adding fencing panels. You will need post extenders to place panels on your fence. A post extender is a sleeve that you place on fence posts. With the sleeve in place, you can place your additional fence panels to add height to your fence.

Panel Fence

Use This Free Tool

If you are going to add height to your fence it is best to use a pro fence installer to do it for you. A pro fence installer ensures that the work is done correctly.

Use the tool to hire a pro.

At the top of the page, enter your zip code.

You will then fill a subsequent application form to provide more information about the fence that needs its height added.

You will then receive three quotes and advice on how to add height to your fence.

You can choose a pro for your task from the quotes you receive. When choosing a pro, consider your budget and how much the pro charges for the task.

compare home service

Why Do You Want To Add Height To Your Fence

There are many reasons for adding height to your fence. The main reason to add height to a fence is security. If your fence is short and easy to climb over, it doesn’t provide the required security. To enhance your security, you can increase the height of the fence.

You may also need to add height to your fence to enhance privacy. If you have a yard or patio outside of your house, you need privacy as you spend time there. If you have a short fence, it will not provide as you would like. It will be necessary to increase the height of your fence.

You can also add the height of your fence for the safety of your pets. Pets, especially dogs can jump over short fences easily. Increase the height of your fence to keep your pets safe and confined to your compound.

How Much Will It Cost

Adding height to a fence will vary in cost as it depends on the type on:

  • Mence material
  • How much height is being added
  • Way height is added
  • Length of the fence

There are about 100 different variations, but you can expect to pay $5 – 25 per linear foot. Fill in the form at the top of the page to get prices for adding height from local fencing services.

Enhancing Curb Appeal

Fences enhance the beauty of your yard. Depending on the type of fence you set up, a short fence may destroy your curb appeal. The only way to make it look better is by adding height to the fence.

Height Of Your Fence

When you want to add the height of your fence, you need to consider the current height and the extra height you need. As you do this, also consider the legal height of the fence as stipulated by the laws where you live.

If your fence is at the legal height, you cannot add height to it, even when you think it is too short.

When you know how much extra height you need, you can pick suitable fence materials to increase the height of your fence.


Depending on where you live, you need to know the laws on how high a fence can be in your neighborhood. If you want to add height to your fence so that it is higher than the required height, you may need a permit to do this.

Short fences may not need you to get a permit to install them. However, when you decide to add height to your fence, you may need to pay for a permit. A professional installer will advise on whether you need a permit to add height to your fence.

When you are putting up your new fence, you must discuss it with your neighbors. Talking to your neighbors ensures that you install your fence within your property lines.

When you are adding height to your fence, you may not need to consult your neighbors. However, it is courteous to inform them that you will be adding the height of your fence.

A concrete fence is a permanent fence that must be installed by a pro. If your concrete fence is too short can you, add height to it? You will need a pro to advise you on whether you can add height to your concrete fence.

A pro can easily add height to a concrete fence. You will need all the materials for constructing a concrete fence. Determine the extra height that you need to add to your fence. Consult a pro fence installer on what you need.

Adding height to a concrete fence will take a long time and maybe as expensive as installing a new concrete fence.

Wood is the cheapest fence material you can use to make a privacy fence. Different types of wood vary in price. Treated pine is the cheapest wood fence material while cedar and redwoods are more expensive.

You can easily add height to a wood fence to make it a privacy fence. A wood fence requires more care and maintenance. Regular inspection, staining, and removal of pests ensure that your wood fence will serve you for long.

Benjamin McInerny
Author: Benjamin McInerny - is a qualified arborist and a DIY Home Improvement enthusiast. Ben has a extensive experience on renovation projects including, mold removal, painting, fence installation and more. Ben shares his skills with DIY and gardening enthusiasts.