Numerous people have varying reasons for putting up a fence. Whether it’s to increase privacy and security or simply for aesthetic reasons, incorporating a fence into your home’s outdoor design is an important step, no matter why you’re doing it.

For this reason, it is critical to find the best vinyl fencing company near you. During your search for a reliable company, you will come across many professionals who will offer you different quotes. To choose the best company near you, it is essential to do some research, check the company’s credibility, and compare quotes first. This will help you get a genuine and affordable local company.

Typically, the national average cost to install vinyl fencing per linear foot is $18.65, coming in between $16.46 and $20.83. The total average cost for labor and materials per linear foot is $29.34, with a range of $23.70 to $34.97. For a typical 125 linear foot area, the average cost will be $2,667.08, coming in between $2,962.67 and $4,371.49.

However, the actual cost will depend on the project size, conditions, location, and finish options. Some areas may offer cheaper rates than others. Also, if you choose a sophisticated finish option, the cost will be a bit higher.

vinyl fence installer near me

Vinyl fencing contractors labor only cost

The labor cost to install a vinyl fence is about $35 to $40 per hour. The total estimate for labor alone should include the preparation of the job site and clean-up. Vinyl fencing labor installation cost is a significant part of the total cost to install vinyl fencing. Therefore, make sure you get the overall estimate for material and labor costs to install a vinyl fence before you hire a contractor.

How to save on vinyl fencing installation

If you plan to sell your home soon and intend to improve it to attract a better ROI, vinyl fencing is the best choice because the installation is more affordable, and the results are usually appealing. However, you must find the best installation company to make sure you get desirable results.

Installing fences can be very costly. That is why you must find all means to save on the total cost. The following three ways will help you to save on vinyl fencing.

Source for your materials

The best way to save on the total fence installation costs is by sourcing your own materials. When you have your own materials, you will only pay for the labor costs, which may be cheaper. More so, you will have the freedom to look for the materials during your own time, and you may be lucky to find a good deal.

The reason for looking for your own materials is because some installation companies tend to hike the cost of materials. Therefore, the total cost becomes so costly compared to when you have your own materials.

Garner several quotes

When looking for a vinyl fence installation company, you cannot just stick to the first estimate you get. It is paramount to get several estimates from different companies and compare them before choosing the best one.

Once you compare the quotes, you may find that some companies are way more expensive than others. So, take the time to research and compare as many estimates as you can until you find a company that interests you.

Hire during the off-season

Another great way to save some cash when installing a vinyl fence is to hire during the low season, which is usually winter. Very few people hire during this time, and you will find that many companies cease their services.

Therefore, if you can find a fence installation company during this time, you may be lucky to get a lower estimate compared to the high season. This is because the few companies that will still be operating want to attract the few available customers. Therefore, they will lower their rates to attract as many customers as they can during this period.

Qualities of a reputable fencing company

To get the fence of your dreams, you will need to hire a fence contractor with the experience and skills to install a fence efficiently and effectively. If you need quality results, work with a quality fence company: don’t ignore any red flag that could result in a fencing disaster.

Some qualities that you need to look for in a fence company include:


Fencing is not an easy task. That’s why you will need to work with a company that has been in business for some time. Working with a fence company with experience will minimize the mistakes that may be encountered.

To know if your fence installer of choice has experience:

  • Check their portfolio. This will help you know the number of fencing projects that they’ve successfully completed.
  • Check the training certificates of the contractor. The certificates will help you ascertain whether the contractor has gone through professional training.
  • Find reviews on the company. The positive reviews will tell you whether you should hire a fence company, while the negative reviews should steer you from them.

Some start-up fencing businesses provide high-quality results. In this case, you need to weigh and see if it is worth the risk.

Licensed, Bonded, and Certified

A good local fencing company needs to prove its legitimacy by having a few certificates. It’s also crucial that they don’t have any pending lawsuits. A few things to look out for include

  • Insurance certificates: Ensure you work with a fence company with liability and workman compensation insurance to guarantee that you won’t incur any financial constraints in case anything goes south.
  • Licenses: Having a license proves that the company is recognized as a fence company and meets all requirements to be in business.
  • A bond: Bonded fence companies protect homeowners against financial constraints should the fencing contractors fail to finish the job or pay permits.

Good Reputation

A company’s reputation speaks volumes about the quality of services they offer. Avoid working with a company with a bad reputation because nine out of ten times, a company’s bad reputation is due to its poor services.

Fortunately, we live in a digital world, and any information about a company you may need is at the touch of a button. Read online reviews of fencing companies you intend to work with before commencing the project or ask around from friends, family, or neighbors.


Communication is a vital factor to consider before you hire a fencing contractor. It is your right as the client to know everything happening at each stage, whether minor or major. Therefore, you should be informed of everything.

This communication cuts through both verbal and written documents. This means that even the written contract should communicate all the necessary information without hiding any relevant details.

You should ask yourself a few questions to gauge the quality of communication.

Questions to ask a local fence installer

If you do not have a fence and you feel that you need more privacy or security, it is time to install a vinyl fence. Fences are paramount as they give you privacy and prevent prying people from coming near your house.

When looking for a local fence installer, you need to ask them several questions to find whether they are the right installation company for you. The following are some of the questions you need to ask these professionals.

Vinyl Fencing Company near me

How long have you been in the industry?

Before you hire a local fence installation company, it is crucial to know how long they have been operating. Knowing the business history of your company is essential as it tells whether the company is experienced or not.

A company with a positive record for many years would be your ideal pick. If the company has been around for over five years and has a positive track record, you will have confidence in hiring it. Although newer companies may have the skills you are looking for, they may lack experience in some critical areas of the installation.

Are you licensed?

The next thing you should find out is whether the company is licensed to operate in your state. Working with a contractor that does not have a license to operate in your state may put you at risk. Also, you may have to pay hefty fines before you get the go-ahead to proceed with your project.

For this reason, determine whether the contractor has a license and whether it is up to date. Some sneaky contractors may forge the certificate and trick you to hire them, which may lead to future problems. So check whether the license is authentic and updated.

Do have insurance

It is critical to work with a contractor that has liability as well as workers’ insurance to be on the safe side. Fence installation is a complex job, and accidents may occur. If the contractor is not covered, you may end up paying high medical bills in case of accidents and injuries.

General liability insurance protects your property in case the professional causes damages. This is essential as you will not pay for the damages. The worker’s compensation insurance protects the workers in case of injuries during the project.

contractor installing a vinyl fence

How long will the project take?

Before you begin the project, you should know how long it is going to take. Ensure the contract has a clear start and end dates. Knowing the timeline of the project and when the company can start working will help you to prepare.

Some companies will give you an estimate for the job and two or three months to decide whether you are ready to begin the project. This helps you get the required cash and start the project when you feel ready.

Questions to ask a local fence installer discussed

Tips when hiring a vinyl fence installer

Although most homeowners prefer installing their own fences, some may not because of busy schedules and lack of necessary experience. So, hiring a vinyl fence installation company becomes a quicker and better way to install the fence.

Many fence installation companies exist, making it challenging to find a good company. The following tips will help you to find a reliable contractor.

Look for local fence installers

Most professional fence installation companies advertise their services through banners and posts. So, you can easily find local installers if you look in your neighborhood. You can decide to ask around or look for local companies through the Internet. This will help you to find a good company within a short time.

Your neighbors and friends who have installed fences recently can give you recommendations that can be helpful. So, ask for referrals from people you think can be of help.

Check for qualifications

If you find three or five potential hires, make sure you check their qualifications. Determine if they have an updated license to work in your state and whether they have coverage. Ask for their certifications and thoroughly check if they are genuine. This is a critical step before you hire any contractor.

Ask for estimates

Before you hire any contractor, you must request their estimates. It is essential to know how much the project will cost before you commit yourself. You should look for multiple estimates to make comparisons before you settle with a particular company.

The process of looking for a good vinyl fencing company may be daunting if you do not know what you want. So, before you even start looking for a company, ensure you know what you want and set your budget. This way, it will be easier to find a reliable company to work with.


As much as you want to save time and get an estimate over the phone, it is better for the vinyl fence installation company to come to your home. This is because you will have to explain everything you want over the phone so that they can give you an estimate for the job. This may even take more time than you expected.

More so, the fencing company will be in a better position to give you the right estimate if they see the size of the area you want to enclose. Also, you may not know the exact measurements of the area. That is why it is better for the fencing company to come over, take the measurements and give you a quote.

All fencing jobs are done outdoors, which means the fence professional does not need to enter your home. The professional may need to enter your home only if there is electrical work to be done. If it is only fencing, the experts should work from the outdoors until they complete the job.

Yes, Home Depot installs fences for anybody who needs their services. Whether you are looking for security, privacy, or beauty, Home Depot will install the fence just the way you want. The services come with a one-year warranty, which means you can get free services in case of any issues with the fence. Home Depot installs fences of all types, including vinyl, ornamental, and wood fencing.

Although there are many vinyl fence brands or manufacturers, there is always a brand that stands out due to its high-quality products. CertainTeed is a top PVC vinyl fence manufacturer that produces high-quality products. Their products have consistently remained at the top due to their performance and quality.

Yes, vinyl fences increase the resale value of your home. Typically, any home improvement will raise the resale value of the home up to a certain percentage. Polyvinyl, cast iron, and wooden fences can bring a Return on Investment of up to 50% when you sell the home. So, if you plan to sell your home after some time, it is essential to maintain it and undertake any necessary home improvements.

Benjamin McInerny
Author: Benjamin McInerny - is a qualified arborist and a DIY Home Improvement enthusiast. Ben has a extensive experience on renovation projects including, mold removal, painting, fence installation and more. Ben shares his skills with DIY and gardening enthusiasts.