The development of mold is caused by inadequate ventilation or the entry of water resulting from faulty plumbing.

Most home warranties do not cover mold as they are considered maintenance issues. Some home warranty companies, however, cover problems that cause molds like poor plumbing and water leaks.

If mold problems go unnoticed, a home warranty company relieves itself from issues like this because they do not cover normal wear-and-tear situations.

Do home warranties cover mold

Not to be mistaken as home insurance which covers damage to personal property and structural integrity of a home caused by major events including natural disasters, fire, burglary, and vandalism, a home warranty is different.

A home warranty covers the internal components of a house in the event of damage from everyday wear and tear. Depending on the coverage, this includes plumbing systems, heating systems, appliances, and other internal home systems.

The coverage of a home warranty could include but is not limited to an air conditioning system, heating system, plumbing system, garbage disposal, garage door system, electrical system, and appliances.

What is a home warranty

What is usually covered by a home warranty?

The most common appliances covered by home warranties are a cooking range, built-in microwave, refrigerator, water heater, dishwasher, washing machine, dryer, doorbell, and mostly all other appliances that can be included in a policy.

This can cover repairs and/or replacement of damages incurred in a household depending on the warranty coverage to prevent major home issues that may further arise from avoidable scenarios, such as molds.

What is not covered by a home warranty?

A home warranty, just like any other warranty, has limited coverage. It is always best to discuss with the home warranty provider which specific home systems or appliances would be of value for the home you are maintaining.

Treating molds in a household is not covered by a home warranty due to their hazardous nature. The warranty, however, can cover the plumbing, heating, and cooling systems of a home which are essential in preventing mold build-up.

Upon availing of a home warranty that best suits your home and budget, you are then entitled to the full benefits of its coverage, but the inability to report damages immediately can also affect the chance of having your troubles covered.

Your home warranty can not cover incurred damages if you do not report them right away as it can lead to further damages that are beyond the limits set by the home warranty you availed, including molds.

How home warranties can prevent mold in your home

Mold only needs a damp or moist environment for it to thrive in a home. The common problem of homeowners is that they notice the presence of molds quite late, giving them little to no time window to prevent it from spreading.

The key to preventing mold in your home is to properly maintain home systems that may affect its presence or spread inside the household. Below are some systems and appliances that you can check to prevent molds:

1. Plumbing system

  • The plumbing system runs all over the entire household.
  • From your kitchen, bathrooms, laundry area, garage, and internal pipes, these can all be habitable by molds if there are leaks or moisture build-up.
  • Since a home warranty covers the home plumbing system, its proper maintenance should not be a problem for the homeowner.
  • Effectively checking plumbing issues could greatly affect the prevention of molds.

2. Cooling and heating systems

  • Since the most basic packages for home warranty covers the cooling and heating systems, promptly checking issues and reporting them to the home warranty provider can prevent mold in your household.
  • Though your plumbing system might be in great condition, you may notice damp walls or moist surfaces in your home. These are often caused by a problem in your home’s heating and cooling systems.
  • Changes in the weather can also cause these damp and moist surfaces inside the household.
  • An effective heating and cooling system should be able to balance out the temperatures needed to prevent this from existing and prevent molds.
  • Since preventing mold is more manageable than removing them, having your cooling and heating systems checked regularly must be practiced.
  • You can schedule this with your home warranty provider and reap the full benefits of the warranty.

3. Appliances that involve water or moisture

  • Appliances such as washing machines, dishwashers, air conditioning, and refrigerator, among others, are also common sources of mold in a household.
  • These involve water or moisture, which are needed by molds to thrive.

An overflowing washing machine, a leaking dishwasher, outdated air conditioning, or an old refrigerator are just some examples of problems you and your home warranty provider can address immediately to prevent molds.

These appliances must be covered by your home warranty to avoid incurring costs in repairs needed for them to function properly, or even unexpected replacements that could somehow be prevented with the warranty.

What should you know about home warranty coverage?

By the definition itself, a home warranty coverage must be able to cover incurred expenses that can be brought about by the everyday wear and tear of home systems and appliances under the agreement you have with your provider.

This coverage must be clear between you and your provider to prevent avoidable costs and enjoy the full coverage of the home warranty. Before making the initial payment, you must understand all that the warranty covers.

There might be some add-ons in your home warranty that you know you need for your home which can be added to the original package while there are some that you might not need depending on the type of household you have.

Having a grasp on what is needed and what is not is often looked over. It is also essential to have the contact numbers needed for home maintenance as well as hotlines for reports to assure that you would be given the right service.

Most home warranties would require you to pay annually, bi-annually, monthly, every other year, or every so often. Just like home insurance, these payments must be made regularly for the home warranty to be in effect.

What are the things not covered in a home warranty coverage?

A home warranty does not only prevent molds from infesting your home, but it also avoids costly repairs and replacements incurred through years of household maintenance. It is simply a foolproof way of having a well-maintained home.

In cases where molds are not prevented, having a home insurance policy will help you in having an assurance that your home would be treated in case the presence of molds occurs.

Having molds in the household can be prevented with proper maintenance which can be done effectively with a home warranty. Though having one is not required by law, this is a great preventive measure for homeowners.

A well-maintained home is not just a house you can peacefully live in together with your family. It is a home that avoids health risks that can be caused by the presence of molds, and a secured environment that prevents danger inside its walls.

What to do if you have to file a mold claim?

Since mold is not covered by a home warranty due to its hazardous nature, keep in mind that the home systems and appliances are still covered under the warranty. It is important to identify first the source of molds and have it treated right away.

Filing a mold claim would fall under home insurance, assuming you have one while also having a home warranty. Home insurance would cover a specific amount or all of the cost needed to remove molds in your household.

Note that mold caused by your neglect and lack of maintenance would likely result in your mold claim being denied. This includes water build-up caused by leaks that had been around for years that went unattended.

Before filing a mold claim, identifying the root cause of the mold could be greatly beneficial for your claim to be granted. You can work hand in hand with your home warranty provider considering it is a minor issue on home systems and appliances.

Does homeowners insurance cover mold?

Mold caused by water damage is covered by most home insurance providers, given that it is covered under the policy of the home insurance you availed. The insurance would cover the cost of mold removal from your household.

Mold damage costs $250 to $3,500 to remediate depending on the location and extent of mold coverage. Home insurance companies usually cover $1,000 to $10,000 for mold remediation due to several measures they enacted to reduce their risk.

If you want higher mold coverage, this often falls under an optional rider in your home insurance policy. Since there’s no way of telling if you would have molds in your household, it is best to avail of this rider to avoid a more costly outcome.

When does home insurance cover mold?

Most home insurance companies cover mold claims if the growth was caused by water damage, whether it’s sudden or accidental, and the mold is hidden within ceilings, walls, or floors.

Here are examples that result in mold growth:

  1. A malfunction in appliances like a washing machine
  2. A leaky pipe or drain attached to a sink or water heater
  3. Overflowing toilet
  4. Extinguishing fire

Damage caused by flooding is not covered on a standard home insurance policy. Water coming inside one’s home because of a storm is typically classified as an act of nature.

Supplemental home insurance options

You may be able to include these two supplemental insurance options to your mold coverage in your home insurance policy:

  1. Water backup coverage – water backup coverage includes water damage caused by drain backups, a sewer line clog, or a sump pump failure. If these are the reasons that caused mold growth, they can be covered.
  2. Hidden water damage coverage – water leakage hidden in walls, cabinets, floors, and ceilings can cause serious damage and mold growth. If you can prove and endorse hidden water damage, mold removal may be covered.

If you find these supplemental homeowners insurance coverage helpful, you can check with your home insurance provider to see if they offer them.

When doesn’t home insurance cover mold?

Mold growth caused by a homeowner’s neglect is not covered by home insurance. While there are certain situations where they can be covered, mold coverage is not on a standard homeowners policy.

Here are instances resulting in mold growth that is not covered by insurance:

  1. Flooding (there is a separate flood insurance policy that may have mold coverage)
  2. Water backup caused by a broken pump or clogged sewer line
  3. Neglected leaks or broken seals in plumbing, fixtures, appliances, windows, and doors
  4. Poor ventilation causes a rise in humidity in areas like the basement or bathroom

The dangers of mold to your health

Mold is a type of fungus that consists of small organisms found almost everywhere. They can be black, white, orange, green, or purple, and their risk varies depending on what type of mold it is.

The presence of mold in a household can be dangerous for the health of the people living in it. For people sensitive to mold, inhaling or touching mold spores can cause allergic reactions and even asthma.

Infants, children, elderly people, and people with compromised immune systems are the ones most susceptible to this health risk. Prolonged exposure to molds can also result in chronic lung disease if not treated immediately.

The dangers of mold to your household

The danger of mold in the household also includes structural damage. If not detected or addressed immediately, these molds can damage parts of the home which may result in accidents within the household.

From slippery surfaces to damaged house parts that can affect the structural integrity of the whole home, these can all cause minor and major accidents which could have been prevented if only it was addressed properly.

Damage from molds can also make a home inhabitable under the housing policies in effect within your area of residence. This can eventually cause you to lose your home once the authorities have been alerted regarding this risk.

Benjamin McInerny
Author: Benjamin McInerny - is a qualified arborist and a DIY Home Improvement enthusiast. Ben has a extensive experience on renovation projects including, mold removal, painting, fence installation and more. Ben shares his skills with DIY and gardening enthusiasts.