Category: Fencing Regulations

Fencing rules and regulations are important to know before you install a fence.

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what height is actually acceptable in your area

Privacy is one of the main perks of having a good fence. And generally, the taller the fence, the better the privacy. But the question is: how far can you go as far as fence height is concerned? In general, you cannot put a 6-foot fence in your front garden. If you want to install […]

Can You Build A Fence On An Easement

An easement is a right held by another entity to use part of your property. Easements are registered on your title. Thus, you will know where they are before you buy or start to build on a property. Yes, you can build on an easement. However, when the entity with the right to the easement […]

Can my neighbor paint my fence on his side

Disputes and wars about fences between neighbors are very common situations. Painting the fence is one of the things which can be an occasion for argument. Your neighbor can not paint your fence on his side unless his side of the fence falls on his side of the property line. In any other case if […]

Property line fence laws Massachusetts

For most neighbors, disagreements and conflicts from time to time is no big deal. However, when the conflict concerns boundary fence ownership or position, things can easily go overboard and become hostile. To help Massachusetts residents address such issues, the state passed a property line and fence law that landowners can follow. Do I need […]

Property Line Fence Laws Michigan

Understanding Michigan’s fence laws can help you avoid disputes over your property line fence. Neighbors often disagree over the use or ownership  or rights and responsibilities of a shared fence. Do I Need A Permit to Build A Fence in Michigan? You may be required to apply for a fence permit depending on where you […]

FAQ’s laws Maryland

Handling disputes with your neighbors about the fence and property line is never easy. Whether you want them to stop encroaching into your land or contribute to building a partition fence, how you tackle the matter is crucial. This is why every property owner should understand Maryland’s property line and fence laws. Here are some […]

Property line fence laws New Hampshire

It’s a good idea to get up to date with New Hampshire property line fence lawns before you erect or remove a fence. We cover encroachment laws, how close to a neighbor can build a fence to your property line and visa versa, as well as privacy fence height restrictions. How close to the property […]

fence law new jersey

If you’ve just moved into a new property in New Jersey, the property boundary conversation is one you must have with your neighbor. To avoid disputes, you also need to understand how the fence and property line laws in NJ address such matters. Here are some of the rights you should know as provided within […]

fence law nevada

Property line fence disputes are very common for homeowners in the state of Nevada and the USA in general. Each state, county, or municipality has statutes and local ordinances that specifically target property line usage. Understanding these seemingly insignificant laws can help you avoid unwanted disputes with your immediate neighbors. Unlike many other states in […]

property line fence law Montana

Regardless of the size of a property, every landowner strives to hold on to every inch of their land. If a neighbor encroaches on your land or doesn’t want to contribute to a shared fence, complications can easily arise. What’s worse is that many owners in Montana don’t know how to settle their differences amicably. […]

property line fence laws Nebraska

One of the most popular fencing expressions you’ll hear is that “Good fences make good neighbors.” While this might be true, there are times when conflicts arise among neighbors sharing a common boundary fence. In such a case, most neighbors try different approaches in an attempt to resolve the conflict but only end up making […]

Property Line Fence Laws Mississippi

If you are a landowner in Mississippi and are interested in enclosing your land or home, then you need to understand property line fence laws in the state. Mississippi, like all the other states, has statutes in place for both commercial and residential fences. Read on for a detailed analysis of Mississippi property line laws. […]

Property line fence laws Missouri

Property line fence laws in Missouri are always a hot topic. Being that there are two separate sets of laws addressing partition fences, many property owners in this state get easily confused. This has made it more difficult for neighbors to resolve their fence disagreements peacefully. If you’re ever wondering how to go about your […]

property line fence laws Minnesota

Wherever partition fences are concerned, conflicts between neighbors are bound to occur. That’s why most states in the country have passed bills regarding property lines and fences. In Minnesota, these laws can be quite complicated and differ in every county. Here’s what you need to know before going guns blazing with your neighbor. Do I […]

property line fence laws Connecticut

Everybody wants to protect whatever is their legal property. Even if you are best friends with your neighbor, you’ll still expect them to observe the property boundary lines. When one party or neighbor takes your relationship for granted, a fence and boundary line dispute may arise. And while mediation can help resolve the matter, knowing […]

Property line fence laws Iowa

Every homeowner strives to keep a healthy and peaceful relationship with their neighbor. Sadly, disputes with neighbors, especially on matters regarding property lines and fences are almost inevitable. For this reason, the state of Iowa, like most states in the country, passed fence statutes to help neighbors resolve these disputes. Here are a few of […]

property line fence laws Maine

Before building or replacing a fence in Maine, you need to be up to date with the law. Things like permits, privacy fences, spite fence lawns as well as ownership and maintenance are all summarized here. Maine boundary fence laws at a glance This table provides an overview of some of the state laws governing […]

Do I need a permit to build a fence in Kansas

For neighbors to maintain a peaceful relationship, they often have to compromise on a lot of things. However, when it comes to property line disputes, many neighbors tend to be more aggressive and refuse to compromise. What’s worse, many don’t know how to find solutions that benefit both parties, leading to hectic litigations. Luckily, the […]

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