Category: Lawn Care and Maintenance

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Is raking and dethatching the same thing rake

Dethatching is one of the most effective ways through which you can restore your lawn’s health and look. This is because, when done right, it will give your lawn the best chance of recovering its aesthetic appeal by increasing nutrient, air, water, and fertilizer penetration. Dethatching grass helps it grow because it frees the grass […]

Can I Hydroseed My Own Lawn

Hydroseeding is a modern and faster way to plant. With the right hydroseed slurry and equipment, you can have a picture-perfect lawn in your yard in less than a month. While hydroseeding might seem like a simple job, there is a lot that goes into it hence why you should spend some extra money and […]

Does mowing make grass grow faster

Lawns need mowing regularly to keep them healthy, green, and luscious. How often you need to mow your lawn varies depending on the time of year and grass type. On average you will need to mow a lawn once every 2 – 3 weeks. In summer when grass grows quicker, that is reduced to once […]

Should You Water Hydroseed Right Away man water plants

A lot of homeowners have turned to modern methods like hydroseeding to help them grow magazine-cover-worthy lush green lawns without spending a lot of money. With the right hydroseed mixture, skills, and good timing, you can grow a healthy lawn through hydroseeding anywhere in the world. The best time to hydroseed is in the spring […]

Should I Dethatch before overseeding

Dethatching allows seeds to come in direct contact with soil. It improves the odds of better moisture penetration while giving growing grass easier access to nutrients. Therefore, you should dethatch before overseeding because doing so will give the seeds better odds of thriving into thick, healthy, and aesthetically appealing grass. Thatch builds up in thick […]

What is lawn aeration

Lawn aeration is the process of punching holes in your lawn using either a core or spiking method. Lawn aeration allows oxygen to the roots of your lawn which stimulates root growth, leading to a greener and healthier lawn. Lawn aeration also allows water and nutrients to get to the roots of compacted soil. How […]

How d you aerate your lawn?

Aeration is an important aspect of lawn management, it is the process of punching holes into your lawn to open up the soil and allow air, water, and soil nutrients to get to the root zone. Lawn aeration should be done every 1 – 2 years. Well-drained lawns with sandy soil can be done every […]

Lawn mower in action

Lawn aeration is a little known, simple, but effective procedure that’s guaranteed to revive dying lawns and stimulate the growth of thick and healthy grass without spending a ton of your money and resources. Aeration is a necessary lawn maintenance service that must be done on average, every couple of years to improve the quality […]

What Happens if You Cut Your Grass Too Short

Cutting your grass is a routine lawn care task that unexpectedly requires a great deal of skill and precision. This skill and precision is necessary to determine the right height to cut your grass. Some homeowners cut their grass lower than recommended because they feel it will save them time and reduce the amount of […]

Mow Wet Grass

When it comes to mowing wet grass, opinions are divided. Some say it’s fine to mow wet grass as long as you take certain precautions, while others insist that it’s never a good idea. Generally, mowing grass is not recommended for several reasons. Those reasons include the risk of electric shock, slipping and falling, and […]

What Do You Do With the Plugs After Aeration

There is no doubt that the plugs left after aeration make the lawn look unsightly. Some homeowners prefer to rake away the plugs, while others prefer to leave them in the yard. But what is the best practice? Experts recommend leaving the plugs on your lawn after aeration. The plugs will break down naturally after […]

Characteristics of Zoysia grass

Most Zoysia grass varieties are quite vigorous, producing large rhizomes, stolons, and foliage that tend to be resistant to decay. As a result, Zoysia has a strong propensity to thatch. If left unchecked, the thatch can suffocate your lawn to death! It is imperative to dethatch your Zoysia grass lawn to keep it in top […]

What is the best fertilizer for your lawn

For a healthy-looking yard, you need the right fertilizer for your lawn. The right amount of nutrients ensures that the grass is thick and green. Is 19 19 19 a good fertilizer for your lawn? 19-19-19 is an all-purpose garden fertilizer. Therefore, it is suitable for use on your lawn. It contains 19% of Nitrogen, […]

What Are the Disadvantages of Hydroseeding

Hydroseeding is a sophisticated way of establishing your lawn. The slurry contains a mixture of grass seeds, mulch, fertilizer, and a tackifier. Hydroseeding is excellent for large spaces and is way cheaper than laying sod. While hydroseeding has so many advantages, it also has a fair share of disadvantages. Some of the most outstanding cons […]

Factors influencing the price of hydroseeding a lawn

Hydroseeding is a fast way to grow a lawn from scratch and it is quickly becoming the go-to method over traditional seeding. Hydroseeding a lawn is relatively cheap when compared to sod, but a more expensive option than regular seeding. It will cost you $1,200 on average to hydroseed a 10,000 sq ft lawn (US […]

Can You Hydroseed Without Topsoil

Hydroseed contains the nutrients, water, soil amendments, and mulch that grass seeds need to survive. But if this is the case, does it mean that you don’t really need topsoil for hydroseeding to be a success? While you can technically hydroseed without topsoil, you won’t get the best results. This is because high-quality topsoil ensures […]

Are there any disadvantages to hydroseeding

Hydroseeding and seeding are popular methods of lawn installation. While they both have their own advantages and disadvantages; if you were to choose between the two, which one should you go for? Hydroseeding is better than seeding. It gives rise to healthier grass, has a higher success rate, helps to reduce erosion, and has a […]

Is Dethatching Your Yard Worth It

Dethatching is a popular lawn care activity. But is it really worth the time and effort? Yes, dethatching your yard is worth it. This is because, for just $180, you will be able to improve moisture and nutrient availability for your grass. You will also be able to decrease the odds of pest infestations. This […]

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