Category: Lawn Care and Maintenance

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What Time of Year Should You Dethatch Your Lawn

Timing is everything when it comes to dethatching. Poor timing can lead to a traumatized lawn. On the other hand, appropriate timing can end up reviving a dying lawn. The best time of the year to dethatch warm-season grass lawns is in late spring or early summer. For cold-season grass lawns, early fall or early […]

Is power raking the same as dethatching

Dethatching and power raking are popular lawn care techniques that involve removing thatch. Are they the same thing? Is there a difference between the two? No, power raking is not the same as dethatching. While both processes involve removing thatch from a lawn, power raking tends to be a more aggressive approach to thatch removal. […]

What causes lawn bubbles

Lawn bubbles ruin the aesthetic appeal of lawns. They can also have a negative effect on lawn health. But before you can get rid of them, you need to first understand how they came to be. Excess water causes lawn bubbles. They usually form when water gets trapped between your grass and the ground. The […]

Can I Mow My Lawn at Night

Depending on your work schedule, it can be hard to find time throughout the week to mow the lawn during sunlight hours. There is no law in any of the 50 states that makes it illegal to mow your lawn at night, so technically, you can mow at night. But doing so can be against […]

Lawn Mowing Etiquette

Sometimes, taking care of your lawn can get in the way of being a good neighbor. But it doesn’t always have to be the case. You can balance the two needs, especially when it comes to mowing time. The best time to mow your lawn, the time that strikes the perfect balance between your lawn’s […]

Is it illegal to blow grass into the street

Mowing your lawn and then blowing grass clippings into the street doesn’t seem right. But can you get in trouble with the law for failing to collect your grass clippings? While laws, local codes, and rules vary from area to area, it is generally not illegal to blow grass into the street. But you shouldn’t […]

Fine For Not Cutting Your Grass

The actual fine for not cutting your grass varies with states and municipalities. Grasses that grow in excess of 6-12 inches are usually subject to fines. It is common for some states and counties to have laws about keeping your lawn under control. If your grass grows beyond a certain height, you will be fined. […]

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