Category: Mold

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will dehumidifier kill mold

A good dehumidifier can eliminate excess moisture in the air, get rid of some impurities, and make it easier to breathe but does it kill mold? Is it safe to live inside a house or use a room that has toxic mold in it if you have a dehumidifier? A dehumidifier does not kill mold […]

Will Mold Die If It Dries Out

It’s very common to find mold growing in dark, humid, or splash-prone areas such as bathrooms, basements, and inside drywall especially if it’s an old or unoccupied house. Mold grows in these areas because conditions are right for survival. What happens to it if there is not much humidity for a certain period? Does it […]

FAQ’s refuse to pay rent if there is mold

When mold attacks a property, it can cause serious health complications. And if what is in your property happens to be toxic mold, then mold poisoning is a real possibility. Unfortunately, there are times when landlords fail to address mold growth problems in time. This then raises the question: What options are available to a […]

How long does it take for mold to grow in a flooded basement

Basement flooding is a common cause of mold problems in the basement. As a result, it is important for a homeowner to take immediate action in order to keep their home mold-free. Failure to do so can lead to a house-wide mold infestation in a matter of days or weeks. After basement flooding, it usually […]

FAQ’s house with mold

Mold can prove to be quite a hazard as far as health and structural credibility of a house is concerned. This therefore means that there must be full disclosure of the mold problem in a home to a potential buyer before any purchasing transactions are completed. Whether or not one should buy a house with […]

Is mold testing worth it

There are over 100,000 species of mold in existence. Some of them are toxic, while others are not. And while the different types of mold come in different colors, there is really no way to tell whether mold is toxic by just looking at its color. Conducting a mold test is worth it in order […]

What can I spray in the basement for mold

There are several ways to kill mold in your basement, and one of the easiest and most popular ways is to spray it. The most popular sprays to kill basement mold are Vinegar, baking soda, bleach and tea tree oil. Vinegar has proven to be an effective mold killer, with studies showing that it kills […]

Mold colors

One of the first things that anyone notices about mold is its color. The question is; what can the color of mold tell you about it? Is it a reliable indicator of whether the mold is toxic or not? The mold that is found in homes comes in a variety of colors. The most popular […]

Is Basement Mold Common

Hidden mold is probably not something you want to deal with as a homeowner. Common house molds such as Stachybotrys Atra-aka black mold- are highly toxic to human beings and household pets and some rooms like basements are more likely to attract house molds than others. Read on to understand basement mold and what you […]

How Do You Test for Mold in Basement

Mold tends to grow in dark, moisture-prone areas like basements because the conditions in there are just perfect for growth. Having any type of mold in your house is bad news for you and your loved ones due to the dangers associated with mold inhalation. Read on to find out how to test and detect […]

Can mold in basement make you sick

Mold in basements is very common as they are generally cool, dark, and moist which is perfect for mold growth. Mold in basements can find its way into your home through vents and other means and make you sick. Any mold exposure can cause coughing, wheezing, eye/skin irritation, nasal stuffiness, and throat irritation. People with […]

Signs you have mold in the walls

The subtle nature of mold growth means that it is generally hard to detect in the initial stages. It is however possible to follow the clues and identify the problem. A stale musty smell is a strong indicator that mold may be growing in your home. This is because mold is usually known to grow […]

How long does it take for mold to affect you

Wet and dumb environments are generally known to be the prime areas that foster mold growth. It however takes a combination of a variety of factors for one to start suffering the effects of mold exposure. Mold normally grows in such places within 24 to 48 hours after exposure. Mold exposure can immediately affect persons […]

How do you get rid of mold in the basement

Basement mold is common in buildings located in humid or wet climates, flood basins, but most basements will develop some moisture problems if not properly sealed when built. To get rid of mold in the basement, you need to first spot and repair all known sources of moisture, then remediate mold by removing all visible […]

Can mold in basement Be Fixed

A mold growth that starts in the basement can easily spread to the rest of a home. And even if it doesn’t, the spores that it releases in your home will be just as dangerous. They can still trigger allergic reactions and cause severe respiratory complications in loved ones. The good news is that mold […]

Can I stay in my house with black mold

Black mold is a fungus that can be a health hazard if the spores are breathed in on a regular basis. It is possible to stay in a house with isolated patches black mold provided you seek it’s removal asap. According to the Centre for Disease Control (CDC), black mold is known to cause major […]

Mold prevention spray picture

Even the tiniest traces of mold spores in a home can trigger severe allergic reactions. And for people with pre-existing respiratory conditions, higher concentrations can cause serious health issues. Mold killer sprays simplify the job of getting rid of mold. This is because they offer an easy and convenient way of applying mold-killing solutions onto […]

Mold Specialist Near Me

Mold remediation is an intense cleanup process designed to reduce extensive mold growth in your home to normal levels. A mold removal specialist can safely perform mold remediation in any mold-damaged area of the house. Although mold damage can occur in various forms, the techniques for remediating mold remain the same. Mold can return after […]

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